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National Inventory National Inventory

The National Inventory FGRDEU documents the implementation of the National Programme of Forestry Genetic Resources in Germany.

National Inventory of Forest Genetic Resources (FGRDEU)

beech forest (Source: BLE)

In Germany, the focus on measures for the conservation of forest genetic resources is on numerous tree and shrub species. The FGRDEU database enables searches on tree and shrub species, on focal points in the Federal states, on in situ and ex situ conservation measures. At the same time, FGRDEU is also a contribution to the implementation of the National Programme on Forest Genetic Resources and is jointly operated by the IBV of the BLE and the "Federal government and Länder Working Group "Forest Genetic Resources and Legislation on Forest Reproductive Material" (BLAG-FGR). In addition, information on the annual surveys on the supply of forest reproductive material in Germany and the database on
                                                                             natural forest reserves are part of FGRDEU.


+49 0228 6845 - 3385

Dr. Michaela Haverkamp

Federal Office for Agriculture
and Food
Unit 331
Deichmanns Aue 29
53179 Bonn
