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In situ conservation of CWR In situ conservation of CWR

Some of our crops have related wild species that occur in Germany. The genetic diversity of these crop wild relatives (CWR) is an important resource for plant breeding which we need to conserve.

In situ conservation of CWR

Why in situ conservation of CWR?

In situ conservation allows continuous adaptation to changing environmental conditions and hence the conservation of genetic diversity.

German Network of Genetic Reserves

The German Network of Genetic Reserves aims to enhance the in situ conservation of CWR in their areas of distribution.


Dr. Imke Thormann
+49 (0) 228  6845 - 3438
Email:  Imke.Thormann(at)ble(dot)de

Sarah Sensen
+49 (0) 228  6845 - 3543
Email: Sarah.Sensen(at)ble(dot)de

Isabelle Winkler
+49 (0) 228  6845 - 2895
Email: Isabelle.Winkler(at)ble(dot)de

Federal Office for Agriculture
and Food
Unit 331
Deichmanns Aue 29
D-53179 Bonn