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What is it about? What is it about?

The diversity of Animal Genetic Resources is a part of biodiversity, our cultural heritage and the basis for an innovative and sustainable livestock production.

Diversity of native livestock breeds - what is at it about?

In Germany, the variety of native livestock breeds ranges from pig breeds such as the Leicoma pig to horse breeds such as the Dülmener horse. All livestock species show a variety of different breeds that is worth conserving. The great importance of the diversity of livestock breeds arises from their contribution to value creation in agriculture. This also includes the potential value of currently underused livestock breeds for future human nutrition requirements. The ecological importance lies in the use of particularly regional livestock breeds in nature conservation and landscape management. Last but not least, a high cultural value is attached to the diversity of livestock breeds that has developed over thousands of years.

In times of advancing globalisation, the themes of home and regional identity are becoming important for many people. Regional breeds of farm animals are a part of our homeland that certainly creates identity. However, many of these livestock breeds, such as the Lippegans, are threatened with extinction. Conserving the diversity of our native livestock breeds for future generations is a task for society as a whole.


Holger Göderz
+49 (0) 228 / 6845-3370

Lisa Balzar
+49 (0) 228 / 6845-3671

Federal Office for Agriculture
and Food
Unit 331
Deichmanns Aue 29
D-53179 Bonn