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New European call for proposals on agrobiodiversity - submit applications now

- Funding is available for transnational research projects to improve the resilience of agricultural systems. Agricultural genetic resources are one of 3 thematic priorities.

Better support the use of native plants

- In its press release, the German Association for Landscape Conservation (DVL) calls for "better support for the production and use of native seeds and plants". In theory, the use of native seeds and plants is regulated in Section…

New Newsletter from the Plant Collections Network

- Are you interested in plant collections, collector portraits as well as topics and dates around the Network Plant Collections and the German Gene Bank Ornamental Plants? Then subscribe to the new newsletter of the Plant…

First steps towards a European inventory of crop landraces

- The scientific journal "Biological Conservation" has recently published an article on the distribution of landraces in Europe.

Publication: Red List of domestic livestock breeds 2021

- For the seventh time, the brochure " Domestic livestock breeds in Germany and Red List of endangered livestock breeds" has been published by the BLE. It is now available for download, print copies can be pre-ordered free of…

Forest of the year 2022

- For the eleventh time, the Bund Deutscher Forstleute awards the title "Forest of the Year". The 2022 award goes to the Erdmannwälder in Lower Saxony.

May we introduce – the Genetic Resources Strategy for Europe (GRS4E)

- Summary of the GenRes Bridge project event in Brussels and the official launch of the GRS4E and the three domain-specific strategies for plant, animal and forest genetic resources.

Funding Call: Innovations for healthy plants

- The Federal Ministry of Agriculture (BMEL) supports innovative projects that contribute to the development of sustainable and resource-saving measures and plant protection methods. Project ideas can be submitted until March 10,…

Funding for sheep and goat husbandry

- Within the framework of a funding program, projects that bring innovations to the preservation and improvement of sheep and goat husbandry are financially supported. Project outlines can be submitted to the BLE until December 15,…

New EU research project Breeding value launched

- The main objective is to provide the knowledge and tools to use genetic resources of strawberry, raspberry and blueberry, as well as pre-breeding material to create new breeding routes. The work is aimed at the creation of…