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Corona and biodiversity loss

- The German Coordination Unit of the World Biodiversity Council IPBES has compiled an online dossier with interesting information on the connection between biodiversity loss and pandemics. The collection contains assessments and…

International Congress on Sheep and Goats – Call for Papers

- The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) will host the “International Congress on Sheep and Goats – Farmers and Scientists create Future” on 15th/16th October in Bonn.

Conference Report published

- The German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation has published the conference report "Demonstration farms - what makes them successful? It is the documentation of a conference, that has taken place in November 2019 on the island…

Vorläufige Erhebung der Ernte von forstlichem Saatgut

- Damit die Erntemengen zeitnah veröffentlicht werden können, wurde von der BLE wie auch in den Vorjahren eine Zusammenstellung der bis zum 31.01. des aktuellen Baumschuljahres erfolgten Saatguternten vorgenommen.

International Conference on Cattle and Pigs– Call for Papers

- The German Federal Ministry for Agriculture invites to the International Conference on Cattle and Pigs - Agriculture and Science for Future. the conference takes place in Bonn, Germany, 22.-24. September 2020.

Abgesagt: Symposium Agrarmonitoring 2020

- Aufgrund der fortschreitenden Corona-Epidemie wird das Symposium Agrarmonitoring 2020, welches für den 26.-27. März 2020 in Berlin geplant war, abgesagt.