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New Guidance Document on the scope of the EU ABS Regulation

- The Commission adopted Guidance document C(2020)8759 on the scope of application and core obligations of Regulation (EU) No 511/2014 (EU ABS Regulation).

Preserving biodiversity - an integrated conservation approach

- Case studies from Norway to Lebanon show how genetic resources of plants, animals and trees can co-exist and be conserved in an integrated approach.

Milestone for the European Strategy

- GenRes Bridge held a workshop from the 25–26 of November which marks another milestone in the development of the European Genetic Resources Strategy.

Crop Wild Relatives - the wild ancestors of our modern crops

- The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) has released a new globally agreed standard for data exchange on crop wild relatives (CWR).

ABS post-2020: What is needed?

- The 10th anniversary of the Nagoya Protocol is an occasion to reflect on the implementation and effectiveness of the international regulations on access to genetic resources and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out…

Forest of the year 2020

- For the ninth time, the Bund Deutscher Forstleute awards the title "Forest of the Year". The 2020 award goes to the Ivenacker Oaks in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Job advertisement

- The Information and Coordination Centre for Biodiversity is seeking reinforcement in the field of animal genetic resources.

Invasive species: public participation started

- The EU Regulation No. 1143/2014 requires the implementation into national law. The action plans for the priority pathways of invasive species are now available for comment.

Policy options for DSI from a scientific point of view

- With a white paper on potential DSI policy options, scientists contribute to the current debate. They explain why open access to genetic sequence data is essential for any of the options.

Statement by the Scientific Advisory Board on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources on the future arable farming strategy of the BMEL

- Contributing to the discussion paper published by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the members of the advisory board have drafted ten additional recommendations for more biodiversity in arable farming.