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English publication

- The joint position paper "For an efficient and area-effective insect protection" by the German Advisory Council on the Environment and the Scientific Advisory Board on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources at the Federal Ministry of…

Rescue of the common ash

- The large-scale nationwide FraxForFuture project promotes the conservation of the endangered ash (Fraxinus excelsior) as an important ecosystem and commercial tree species. For the first time in Germany, all relevant disciplines…

No patenting of conventionally bred animals and plants

- The Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO) decided on 14.05.2020 that the patenting of conventionally bred animals and plants is not permissible.

Forest structure surveys in the Luxembourg natural forest reserve "Pëttenerbësch"

- 12 years after the designation of this protected area in 2006, a repeat survey was carried out to gain a first insight into the dynamic processes of this natural forest reserve.

Gain better yields by protecting pollinators

- New film about a project in Morocco for pollinator protection in agriculture

Guide to insect protection for companies

- On the occasion of World Bee Day, the nature and environment foundation Global Nature Fund (GNF) presents a guide that supports companies in the food industry to make insect and biodiversity protection part of their purchasing…

New call for funding for the Forest Climate Fund: Forest ecophysiology and climate change effects

- The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) launched a call for funding via Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR) for "Forest…

13. Ausgabe des Newsletters zur biologischen Vielfalt

- Zum internationalen Tag der biologischen Vielfalt erscheint die 13. Ausgabe des Newsletters zur biologischen Vielfalt in Landwirtschaft und Ernährung. Mit aktuellen Meldungen, dieses Mal über die Rettung des Leicoma Schweins,…

Today is World Bee Day

- All people love bees and want to save them. But not all bees are equally endangered.

Growth of breeding stock of the Leicoma pig

- The breeding stock of the most endangered pig breed Leicoma rose to 83 sows and 21 boars in 2019. Previously, Leicomas had only been bred in one breeding farm since 2012. The IBV has successfully advertised further breeding…