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New regulation for the use of pesticides planned

- The European Commission is proposing a draft regulation for the sustainable use of pesticides

Interdisciplinary VdZ Symposium on the Preservation of Old Livestock Breeds on 22/23 November 2022

- The Association of Zoological Gardens (VdZ) and the Arche Warder Zoo invite you to the Interdisciplinary VdZ Symposium on the Conservation of Old Livestock Breeds at the Nordhorn Zoo.

Register now: Network Meeting Biodiversity Consulting on 12/13 September in Fulda

- The German Network Agency for Rural Areas (DVS) invites you to a nationwide exchange on current topics concerning biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.

Ninth Plenary Session of the World Biodiversity Council IPBES

- The ninth Plenary of IPBES was held in Bonn, Germany from 3-9 July 2022 in hybrid form.

Save the Date: Congress on breeding and conservation of old and endangered domestic livestock breeds

- BMEL will host a national congress on the breeding and conservation of old and endangered domestic livestock breeds at the World Conference Center Bonn from September 26-28, 2022.

National Dialogue on Food Systems

- Save the date! Digital event on April 7, 2022 on the dialogue platform

Conference "German variety of fruit - wild fruit in nutrition, landscape and nature"

- The BMEL and the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) invite you to the conference "German Fruit Variety - Wild Fruit in Nutrition, Landscape and Nature" on June 1st and 2nd, 2022 in the Dorint Hotel Dresden. Registration is now open!

New European call for proposals on agrobiodiversity - submit applications now

- Funding is available for transnational research projects to improve the resilience of agricultural systems. Agricultural genetic resources are one of 3 thematic priorities.

Better support the use of native plants

- In its press release, the German Association for Landscape Conservation (DVL) calls for "better support for the production and use of native seeds and plants". In theory, the use of native seeds and plants is regulated in Section…

New Newsletter from the Plant Collections Network

- Are you interested in plant collections, collector portraits as well as topics and dates around the Network Plant Collections and the German Gene Bank Ornamental Plants? Then subscribe to the new newsletter of the Plant…