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EU regulation on nature restoration adopted by EU Environment Council

After many controversial discussions on the draft, 20 EU member states have now voted in favor of the regulation.

Grassland with a lot of different species - a rare habitat in Germany.
Quelle: BLE

Press release of the BMUV, 17.06.2024 (slightly modified):

The EU regulation aims to restore nature in Europe, as over 80% of ecosystems are in a poor state. To this end, measures to strengthen ecosystems are to be introduced on 20% of land and marine areas across the EU. Certain important habitat types in poor condition need to be restored, at least 30% by 2030, 60% by 2040 and 90% by 2050. The Member States will have to draw up national restoration plans for this, a process in which society as a whole will be involved. The regulation covers all important ecosystems in the overall landscape, from urban green spaces to seabeds, peatlands and forests. The draft was the subject of controversial public debate because it affects many different interests. A qualified majority in the Environment Council has not been found yet.

In June 2022, the EU Commission presented its proposal for the Nature Restoration Law. At the Environment Council on June 20, 2023, a majority of member states voted in favor of it. As part of the trilogue, significant flexibilities and exceptions were introduced, which made the original proposal more acceptable to some member states. It was generally regarded as a balanced compromise between all interests. The regulation then received the approval of the Member States in the Committee of Permanent Representatives on November 22, 2023. In February 2024, the Members of the European Parliament gave their clear approval for this project. Today's vote in the EU Environment Council marks the final adoption of the Nature Restoration Law.