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African swine fever: Protection of animal genetic resources

African swine fever first appeared in Germany when an infected wild boar carcass was found near the Polish border in Brandenburg. On this occasion, the IBV would like to draw your attention to the following documents on the protection of animal genetic resources.

[Translate to en:] Bentheimer Schwein
[Translate to en:] Quelle: BLE

“Animal genetic resources and animal diseases - action required for preventive measures and in the event of an acute disease”
(Position Paper of the Expert Committee Animal Genetic Resources (05/2016))

The position paper presents possibilities for a special treatment of herds with animals of endangered breeds in the immediate vicinity of a disease outbreak are presented.
In German only, under:

"Protection of animal genetic resources in the event of an animal disease"
(Position Paper of the Scientific Advisory Board on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, 10/2018)

This position paper contains suggestions for the protection of animal populations in nucleus or basic breeding farms and semen collection centres in the event of the occurrence of African swine fever.

In German only, under:

"Health management and disease protection for endangered livestock breeds"
(The manual was created as part of a project of The Society for the Conservation of Old and Endangered Livestock Breeds (GEH), which was funded by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture through the BLE as funding agency (ptble).)

The newly revised manual "Health Management and Disease Control for Endangered Livestock Breeds" offers guidance for prevention and practice. It contains a comprehensive biosafety catalog for the most important livestock, templates for the emergency plan and helpful sample letters for use in your own farm.

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