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Forest of the year 2020

For the ninth time, the Bund Deutscher Forstleute awards the title "Forest of the Year". The 2020 award goes to the Ivenacker Oaks in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Logo "Ivenacker Eichen"
©: BDF

This title is awarded to forest ecosystems that are managed in an exemplary and sustainable manner in all areas. The forest of the year 2020 is an old forest. In its traditional use (forest pasture), cattle were driven into the forest to feed. The oldest German oak trees are preserved in the forest near Ivenack as a natural monument side and landmark of national importance.

The award also recognizes the special work of the foresters and the forest owners on site, whose protection and care enables the diverse use of the forest area.

Further information is available only in German: